confirms the commitment of "a decent home for all at a price within their means, in a place where I want to live"
Caroline Flint has agreed to stop the owners of properties with tenants who receive lower quality housing allowance.
shadow communities and local government secretary of the private rented sector would be "well regulated" under the work so that every family who rents a "security and choice", but no details on how which stand out.
confirmed the party's commitment to "decent housing for all, at a price within their means, in a place in which we live."
"For people who want to own their home, they want to build an asset, they want security, they want a little more control over their own lives, we will support that dream," said Flint International Labour Conference in Liverpool.
Group proposes to levy a tax on bankers' bonuses to fund the construction of 25,000 homes and cut VAT on home improvements to 5%. These measures are essential, Flint said, referring - as many politicians have made this conference season - to allegations Chancellor George Osborne "George, you can enjoy to hurt him, but it is certainly not work, "said
Previously, David Sparks, Head of the Working Group of the Local Government Association, made a similar point, saying the coalition: "The concept of localism and freedom, is like saying someone "Let's let you out of prison, let him free, but it is a freedom to dig his own grave election. "Flint admitted that the Labour Government had been too slow to trust local councils and communities, and also reluctant to give up the reins of government. "Too often, we felt that the party of Whitehall, not the board," he said.
The conference passed a motion in the house said that the government's plans to abolish secure leases for HLM "put social housing tenants may be evicted if they get a promotion or increase "creating fear and uncertainty and create a disincentive to work.
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