วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Letters: Eugenics fear over gene modification

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is considering recommending the legalization of "replacement" techniques to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial mitochondrial diseases (report, September 17, 2012). We believe that the benefits to a small number of parents are far exceeded by the risks to the child and to society. This was the first instance of regulatory approval for the modification of the human germ line. There is a long-standing international consensus that we should not take this online ethics, because it is likely to lead to a future of designer babies "transgenic.

a slide that has already been seen with drugs and surgery. The beginnings of eugenics ugly market are already visible in the United States, where students Ivy League eggs are charged 10 times higher than that of women who work. Genetic improvement is also a risk of dehumanization and commodification of relationships between children and their parents. These consequences can not be ignored later, in making this decision.
mitochondrial alternative technologies also create significant risks for the future epigenetic creature. Prevention of mitochondrial disease can be performed safely and reliably through egg donation. Replacement indemnity mitochondrial responds to the desire of the mother to be genetically related to their child. Such desires are understandable, but it is not a medical benefit. In our opinion, the advantage to a relatively small number of women to be genetically related to their child hardly justifies the potential risk to the health of children and the harmful effects of human hereditary genetic engineering.
Dr David King
Human Genetics Alert , United Kingdom
Dr. Marcy Darnovsky
Center for Genetics and Society, USA
Professor Stuart Newman
New York Medical College, USA
Dr Murdo Macdonald
Science, Religion and Technology Project, Church of Scotland, United Kingdom
Dr Abby Lippman
professor emeritus at McGill University, Canada

Shree Mulay Professor
Memorial University, Canada
Dr. Gina Maranto

University of Miami, USA
International Center for Technology Assessment, United States

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