tabloid stories attacking women seeking IVF are just a cover for intolerance against unconventional families
What is the cost of the design? If you choose a lucky number, only 20 pounds. Fertility first lottery in England, with £ 20 tickets to give prospective parents the chance to win £ 25,000 worth of fertility treatments, the charity launched Hatch A. The tabloids take the moral high ground, citing critics who condemn the bet as "humiliating to the nature of human reproduction."
But what is humiliating is that desperate measures people with fertility problems should take to become a parent. When the story broke, the number of visits on the website of Hatch, the organization behind the "Make a baby" of the game, did fail.
The hate media motherhood assisted. Women who just want a little help to have a baby are portrayed as unnatural, evil, selfish, frankly. Earlier this week, the Daily Mail headlined by two women who had IVF treatment, one, a Nigerian - who were "milking the NHS." In the next column, it was revealed that Kate Middleton joy, the hope of having a baby. Paradoxically, the rise has cost millions of true. But it's a bill we seem willing to pay.
This is perhaps the dream of eugenics. It's not mine. However accusing the parents aided design cost too much and are denied the support of the NHS, will decide who is able to have a family. Tell yourself that if you are under 39 years old, married and fertile, it is perfectly acceptable for you to have your Chloe and Jack, even though they are twins. But if you're a little older, single and have a condition which makes the design challenging, so you should not have children.economic fallacy against IVF is a screen behind which those who oppose foreign families can easily hide. What the critics aided design really does not like women are grumpy, middle-aged individual to have babies. Like me.