วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Iran currency crisis sparks street clashes

tear gas against protesters and police shooting farm bazaar, with merchants who do not offer price as the value of the rial plunges


riot police clashed with Iranian protesters in Tehran and traders by the collapse of the currency, which has lost a third of its value against the dollar in a week, according witnesses.

police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators outraged by the decline in the value of the Iranian rial. The demonstrators chanted slogans against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that his economic policies have fueled the economic crisis.

main bazaar in Tehran, one of the most important commercial city, is closed, according to witnesses. A retailer that sells household items is told Reuters rial instability prevents traders to indicate the exact prices.

An official of the bazaar, Ahmad Karimi Esfahani, told the Iranian news agency that the job bazaar was closed for safety reasons traders, but will reopen on Thursday.

