Victor / Victoria will take place at Southwark Theatre until 15 December and our offer is valid until November 9, 2012
decadent cabarets in, heady from the underground scene in 1930 in Paris, the girls are beautiful and so are the children.
poor British soprano Victoria Grant is saved by Toddy club singer who has a crazy idea ... flag to save his career reinventing itself as Count Victor Grazinski, the world's largest transvestite. But when he tomb of King Marchan a dilemma ... lose his brilliant career, revealing that she is actually a woman and lose the man of her dreams, to maintain the charade.
honest and moving portrait of love, desire, sexuality and prejudice
Victor / Victoria
is a musical black humor where nothing n is what appears "normal" is always extraordinary. It has a very good score by Henry Mancini, whose Paris by Night, Crazy World and iconic Le Jazz Hot.
more Guard members can purchase tickets at a price of $ 17.50 to see Victor / Victoria (normal price ? 22.50). The offer is valid until November 9, 2012 (excluding operating on November 1). accept this offer
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